Dong Xuan Center - Vietnamese Market

One of the weirdest markets I have ever been to. In a desolated place in Lichtenberg (far far East of Berlin) you'll find this small 'Vietnamese town', that actually consist of 8 sheds filled with a crazy combination of shops, hair dressers, nail salons, Vietnamese restaurants and massage salons.

Location: Herzbergstrasse 128-139

Why should you go there?
Before I went here I read some reviews on internet and one of them stated: 'you can find literally EVERYTHING here. Now that I've been here myself, I must admit that that's actually true. From Chinese waving lucky cats to porcelain, fresh durian fruits to frog legs, fake brand clothing and fake flowers in all kinds and sizes, they have it. I especially liked the supermarkets, where a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables are sold for a price that is way lower than what you normally pay in a Berlin supermarket. Also, its a great place to take pictures due to the colourful environment.

Why shouldn't you go there?
Little addition to the fact that you can buy 'everything you're looking for' at this market: this 'everything'  is either made out of plastic, fake leather or another synthetic fabric, has a neon colour and/or has been produced in China. In most cases, all of these features apply.

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